Shop Percy Puppet by Hansa | Special Needs Resources

Percy the 45cm Possum Puppet



Percy is the cutest 45cm Possum puppet from Hansa Plush – a great way to create a character to discuss feelings, emotions, social situations, conflict resolution and more.

Availability: 1 in stock

Meet Percy, the cutest 45cm Possum. Possum’s live in temperature forest all over Australia and are super adorable with their big brown eyes and soft fur. It is about as big as a domestic cat and can lives in trees, making their homes in tree hollows.

They are noctural (active at night) and like to eat fruit and nuts.

Percy is a shy little gentleman who can be used as a tool to engage with others. Conversation between a third party and children can sometimes be less intimidating than discussion between and adult and child. Creating his character and having talks about how he feels and what he likes and doesn’t like and who he likes to play with, and how he sometimes struggles making friends, or can’t sit still etc can make him relatable in the emotional situations children find themselves in.

He is quite realistic to look at and is lovely and soft to touch.


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