Think and Thread Bead Kit by Edvantage | Special Needs Resources

Think and Thread Bead Kit



The Learning Can Be Fun Think and Thread Bead Kit is a fun learning activity for anyone new to patterns and colour recognition. Learn skills such as sorting, sequencing, matching, counting, colour recognition & more. Ages 3+ .

Availability: 7 in stock

The Learning Can Be Fun Think and Thread Bead Kit is a great activity for anyone new to patterns and colour recognition.
The pack contains 72 wooden beads and 4 coloured threading laces which will help improve young Beaders fine motor skills.
Perfect for use both at home and school, children can create jewellery and decorations while also learning skills such as sorting, sequencing, matching, counting, colour recognition and more.

The 12mm beads come in 6 colours and 4 shapes, and there are sufficient beads to complete all of the coloured pattern lines. The patterns are also in silhouette, adding a perceptional activity for young children.

Recommended for:
Ages 3+
Therapeutic benefits:
develops sorting, matching and visual discrimination skills
builds hand-eye co-ordination skills
develops understanding of sequencing and counting
helps with colour recognition and early numerics

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